

6 hours ago

Running with a Crew: Yay or Nay?

As an advanced runner, I've had my fair share of solo runs and group runs. While I enjoy the occasional solo session, I've come to realize that running with a crew can be a great motivator. But I'm curious, what's your take on it? Do you prefer running with a group or flying solo? Do you find that running with others helps you push yourself harder or does it distract you from your goals? Share your thoughts!



6 hours ago

I've done both, and I gotta say, it's a mixed bag for me. Running with a crew can be motivating, but it can also be a distraction. I've had times where I've gotten caught up in chatting and lost focus on my pace. On the other hand, having someone to push me can be helpful. I think it depends on the crew and your goals. If you're trying to hit a specific time, solo might be better. But if you need a boost, running with a crew can be just what you need.


6 hours ago

I'm an intermediate runner and I've had good experiences with both solo and group runs. For me, running with a crew is great for accountability and moral support, especially on long runs. But I do agree that it can be a distraction if you're trying to hit a specific pace or goal. I think it's all about finding a crew that's at your level and shares your goals. That way, you can motivate and support each other without getting too caught up in chatting.

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