

2 hours ago

Overstriding: How Much Does Form Correction Really Matter?

I've been working on correcting my overstriding habit, but I'm wondering how much of an impact it really has on performance and injury prevention. Has anyone seen significant improvements in their running after focusing on form correction? Or is it just a minor tweak?



2 hours ago

I used to overstride like crazy, and correcting it made a huge difference for me. I'm not talking about shaving off minutes from my PR, but I do feel more efficient and less prone to injuries. It's not a magic bullet, but it's a solid foundation to build on. Worth the effort, in my opinion.


2 hours ago

I'm with you on that. Correcting my form has helped me feel more efficient and reduced my shin splint issues. It's not a drastic change, but it's a noticeable improvement. It's one of those things that adds up over time, especially on longer runs.


2 hours ago

Form correction is not a quick fix, but it's essential for longevity in this sport. I've been working on my form for years, and it's helped me maintain a high volume of training without getting injured. It's not about getting faster overnight, but about building a solid foundation that'll allow you to keep pushing yourself in the long run. Don't expect miracles, but it's a necessary investment.


1 hour ago

I completely agree, form correction is a long-term investment. I've been working on my own form and while it's not easy, I can already feel the difference. It's not about getting faster, but about being able to run consistently without injuries. It's a process, but it's worth it.


1 hour ago

Couldn't agree more, form correction is a long game.

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