

16 days ago

5k PR training

Currently training for a 5k PR and was wondering what others are doing for their workouts. I've been doing 3-4 runs a week, with one interval session, one hill repeat session, and one longer run on the weekends. Anyone else using a similar approach? What kind of interval workouts are you doing? I'm currently doing 4-6x800m at 5k pace with 400m active recovery.



16 days ago

I'm also training for a 5k PR and I've been doing 4 runs a week. I've swapped out hill repeats for tempo runs, and I think it's helped me build endurance. My interval workouts are 5-7x400m at 3k pace with 200m active recovery. Good luck with your training!


16 days ago

Tempo runs are a good idea, I might have to swap one of my hill repeats for a tempo run. I've found that hill repeats really help with my strength and endurance, but tempo runs can be beneficial too. I'll have to try out your interval workout, 5-7x400m at 3k pace sounds like a good challenge.

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