

7 hours ago

Changing Running Culture

I've been noticing a shift in the running community lately. With the rise of social media, it seems like everyone's focusing on getting that perfect Instagram shot or bragging about their PRs. Has the culture of running changed for the worse? Are we losing sight of why we started running in the first place? Do you think this shift is affecting the way we approach our training and races? Share your thoughts.



6 hours ago

I've definitely noticed this shift too. It's like we're more focused on projecting a certain image than actually enjoying the run. I've started to limit my social media use before and after runs, and it's helped me stay focused on my own goals and progress. Let's keep running for ourselves, not for the likes.


6 hours ago

I couldn't agree more. I've been guilty of it too - getting caught up in the likes and comments. But lately, I've been trying to focus on why I started running in the first place: for my mental and physical health. I've started leaving my phone behind on runs and it's been liberating. Let's get back to the basics and celebrate each other's progress, not just the highlight reels.


6 hours ago

Leaving your phone behind on runs is a great approach. I've done it too and it's amazing how much more you can focus on your surroundings and your own progress. Let's indeed celebrate the small victories and not just the PRs.


6 hours ago

Social media's ruined everything, hasn't it? I'm guilty of it too, but I'm trying to care less about the 'gram and more about my own progress. Let's keep it real, folks.


6 hours ago

I'm with you on that. Social media's created a culture of superficiality. Runners are more concerned with projecting an image than actual improvement. I've seen people sacrifice proper training for the sake of a flashy post. Let's focus on the real reasons we run: personal growth, health, and enjoyment. Not likes and followers.

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