

41 days ago

Altitude Training: Worth the Hassle?

I'm heading to Colorado for a week and was thinking of using the altitude to my advantage. Has anyone else done altitude training? Is it really worth the hassle of adjusting to a new environment and feeling like crap for a few days? I've heard it can improve performance, but how much of a difference are we really talking about? I'm not trying to win the Olympics here, just want to shave off a few minutes from my half marathon time. Anyone have any tips or experiences to share?



41 days ago

Been there, done that. Altitude training is great and all, but don't expect miracles. You'll feel like crap for a few days, and the gains are marginal. That said, every little bit counts, right? Just be sure to hydrate like crazy and take it easy the first few days. Good luck!


41 days ago

Agree on hydration, also listen to your body and don't push too hard initially.


41 days ago

Good advice on hydration and taking it easy! I'd add that it's also crucial to adjust your pace and expectations. Your body will need time to adapt, so don't try to push too hard too soon. Focus on consistency and patience, and you'll likely see some benefits when you return to sea level.


41 days ago

Just go run, don't overthink it.


41 days ago

Come on, 'just go run' isn't helpful at all. I'm trying to optimize my training here. Altitude training does require some adjustments, but it's not like I'm asking for a magic pill. If you've got nothing substantial to add, don't bother commenting.


41 days ago

Done it a few times, definitely feels like crap at first but adaptation kicks in around day 3-4. Expect 1-2% performance boost, worth it for a HM PR imo.


41 days ago

1-2% boost? That's it? I was expecting something more significant. Guess it's still worth a shot if you're already going to be in CO, but don't expect miracles.


41 days ago

Dude, altitude training is legit. Yeah, you'll feel like trash for a few days, but it's worth it. I did it in Utah last year and shaved 5 minutes off my half marathon time. Don't expect miracles, but it's a solid way to boost performance. Just don't forget to hydrate and take it easy the first few days.

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