

8 hours ago

Increasing Stride Length Naturally

I've been focusing on quick turnover and cadence, but I feel like my stride length is still a bit short. What techniques have you guys used to increase stride length without sacrificing form or efficiency?



8 hours ago

I've been working on my stride length by incorporating hill sprints into my training. It forces me to explosively drive my legs downward and forward, which has naturally increased my stride length. Just make sure to focus on proper form and don't overdo it, especially if you're new to hill sprints.


7 hours ago

Hill sprints are a great idea! I've also found that focusing on glute strength and hip mobility has helped me increase my stride length. It's all about generating power from your core and hips, rather than just your legs.


7 hours ago

Hill sprints are a great idea! I've also found that strength training, specifically exercises that target my glutes and hips, has helped me increase my stride length. Focus on exercises like deadlifts and hip thrusts to build power and explosiveness.


7 hours ago

I've found that focusing on hip drive and glute engagement helps me naturally increase my stride length. It's all about using your powerful glute muscles to propel you forward, rather than just relying on your legs. It takes practice, but it's worth it in the end.


8 hours ago

I've been trying to increase my stride length by focusing on proper posture and engaging my core. It's not easy, but I've noticed a slight improvement. I'm not a fan of hill sprints, too much impact for my joints. Maybe I'm just getting old, but I'll stick to what works for me.

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