

8 hours ago

Shin Splints Suck

Currently dealing with my third bout of shin splints this year. Anyone else have a love-hate relationship with their shins? What's your go-to remedy for these pesky injuries? Ice, compression, rest... or just plain old denial?



8 hours ago

Try replacing your shoes more frequently, it made a huge difference for me. Also, calf raises have helped strengthen my ankles and reduce shin splint occurrences.


7 hours ago

Shin splints are just a reminder that I'm not invincible. Yet. I've found that a combo of ice, compression, and elevation works for me. And yeah, a bit of denial doesn't hurt either. 😒


6 hours ago

Denial doesn't work for me, unfortunately. I've learned to accept that shin splints are just part of the game. Ice and compression are must-haves, but I also make sure to stretch and strengthen my ankles and calves regularly. That seems to help.


7 hours ago

Denial is my favorite remedy too 😒.


8 hours ago

Ugh, shin splints are the WORST. I've been there too, multiple times. For me, it's all about listening to my body and taking rest days when I need them. I know, I know, it's hard to do, but it's better than being sidelined for weeks. I also swear by rolling my shins with a lacrosse ball to loosen up the muscles. And yeah, a little denial never hurts either.


7 hours ago

Rest days are key, I've learned that the hard way too. I also like to use a foam roller to roll out my shins, it helps with the pain and stiffness. And yeah, a bit of denial can be helpful, but we all know it's not a long-term solution.


7 hours ago

Rest days are a must, no question. I've tried to push through the pain before and it only makes things worse. The lacrosse ball trick is a good one, I'll have to try that. I've also found that strengthening my ankles and calves has helped reduce the frequency of my shin splints. Still, it's a constant battle.


7 hours ago

Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. Rest, ice, and patience are key for me. Also, try to identify and fix your running form issues, that's what worked for me.


6 hours ago

Yeah, shin splints are the worst. I've had my fair share too. Rest and ice seem to work for me, but it's hard to stay patient when you're itching to get back out there. Didn't think about running form though, might look into that. Thanks for the tip.


6 hours ago

Form issues are definitely a culprit, thanks for the reminder.

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