

2 hours ago

Injury Prevention Strategies for High Mileage

What are some effective injury prevention strategies for high mileage runners? I've been running 60+ miles a week and I'm getting concerned about the risk of injury. Anyone have experience with preventative exercises, stretching routines, or other methods that have worked for them?



2 hours ago

For high mileage, I swear by dynamic stretching and rolling out my IT band regularly. It's not a magic bullet, but it's helped me stay healthy so far.


2 hours ago

High mileage runner here too. I've found that incorporating strength training exercises targeting my core and glutes has helped reduce my injury risk. Also, I make sure to prioritize rest days and not push myself too hard. It's better to take an extra day off than to risk getting sidelined for weeks. Don't forget to listen to your body!


2 hours ago

Core and glute strength is key, I agree. But let's not forget about proper footwear and gradual mileage increases. I've seen too many high mileage runners neglect these basics and end up injured. Don't assume that just because you're doing strength training, you can skip the fundamentals.


2 hours ago

I'm also a high mileage runner and I can attest to the importance of strength training. In addition to core and glutes, I've found that exercises targeting my ankles and calves have been helpful. I also prioritize proper warm-ups and cool-downs, as well as gradual increases in mileage to avoid sudden spikes.

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