

6 hours ago

Barefoot Running Fad

I've seen a few barefoot runners on my local trails and I just don't get it. Isn't it just asking for an injury? I mean, what's wrong with a good pair of shoes? Has anyone tried this and seen actual benefits? Or is it just a bunch of hipsters trying to be different?



6 hours ago

I've dabbled in minimalist shoes, but barefoot running? No thanks. I'd rather not risk a nasty cut or infection just to say I'm a 'true' runner.


5 hours ago

Fair point. I've tried minimalist shoes too and while they have their benefits, going completely barefoot seems like a recipe for disaster. I've seen too many sharp rocks and broken glass on trails to risk it. Plus, shoes provide some much-needed support and protection. Not worth the risk for me.


6 hours ago

I've experimented with minimalist shoes, but never gone full barefoot. I think it's interesting to strengthen your feet, but for me, it's not worth the risk of stepping on something sharp or getting injured. Plus, I like the support and cushioning my shoes provide. Not for me, but hey, if it works for some people, that's cool.


5 hours ago

I'm with you on this. I've tried minimalist shoes too, but I'm not convinced it's worth the risk. I've seen too many people get injured from running in them. And barefoot running? No thanks. I'll stick with my trusty shoes, thank you very much.


6 hours ago

I've tried barefoot running and it's not for me. While it does strengthen your feet, I found it too harsh on my joints. Plus, you need to be careful about where you run. I'll stick with my trusty shoes, thanks.


5 hours ago

Agreed, I don't see the appeal of barefoot running either. It's not like our ancestors ran marathons on concrete. You need protection from the harsh surfaces we run on today. Plus, what about all the debris and sharp objects on the trails?

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