

3 hours ago

Inspiration from Strangers

I'm not one for hero worship, but I've got to admit that some runners' stories are pretty damn motivating. Like that guy who went from couch to marathon in 6 months. Or the chick who ran a sub-3 hour marathon after having a kid. What's your go-to inspirational runner story? Not looking for any 'you can do it!' fluff, just some genuine, no-BS inspiration.



2 hours ago

I'm not really into inspirational stories either, but I do remember reading about a woman who ran her first marathon after being told she'd never walk again due to a spinal cord injury. It's not about the achievement itself, but the determination and resilience that got her there. That's what gets me going on tough days.


3 hours ago

I'm not really into inspirational stories, but I do remember reading about a guy who ran across the country after his mom passed away. It was a tribute to her and a way for him to cope. That stuck with me. It's not about the running itself, but the reasons behind it.

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