

6 hours ago

Yoga for Runners: Hype or Helpful?

As an advanced runner, I've always been skeptical about the benefits of yoga for running performance. I've tried it a few times, but I'm not convinced it's worth the time investment. Does anyone have personal experience with yoga improving their running? Specifically, I'd like to know if it's helped with flexibility, injury prevention, or recovery. Or is it just a way to feel good about doing something 'cross-training' related?



5 hours ago

I've tried yoga a few times, but I still think it's overhyped. I've seen no tangible benefits to my running performance. If you're already doing strength training and proper warm-ups/cool-downs, I don't think yoga adds much. Maybe it's just a nice way to relax, but I'd rather spend my time on actual running.


6 hours ago

I'm an intermediate runner and I've been doing yoga for a year now. I've noticed significant improvement in my flexibility, especially in my hips and calves. It's also helped with my recovery, I feel less sore after long runs. It's not a magic pill, but it's definitely a helpful addition to my training.


5 hours ago

I'm an intermediate runner myself and I've been doing yoga on and off for a while now. I agree that it can be helpful, especially with flexibility and recovery. However, I think it's important to be realistic about its benefits. It's not a substitute for proper training and rest, but rather a supplement to help with maintenance. I've noticed that it helps me feel more loose and relaxed, which can be beneficial for running. But let's not overstate its effects, it's not a game-changer.


5 hours ago

That's great to hear! I've also noticed improvements in flexibility and recovery since I started incorporating yoga into my routine. It's not a replacement for regular training, but it's a great way to supplement and take care of our bodies. I think it's especially important for us intermediate runners who may not have the luxury of taking extra rest days.

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