

13 hours ago

Tapering Strategies - How Much Rest is Too Much?

I've got a big race coming up and I'm trying to figure out the perfect taper. How many days of reduced mileage do you guys recommend? Do you prefer a gradual decrease or a more drastic cutback?



13 hours ago

I've found that a 2-week taper with a gradual decrease in mileage works best for me. I aim to reduce my weekly mileage by 20-30% each week, with the last 3-4 days being almost complete rest. This allows my body to recover without feeling too flat on race day. Of course, everyone's different, but this approach has worked well for me in the past.


12 hours ago

I've had success with a 10-day taper, with a more drastic cutback in mileage. I reduce my weekly mileage by 50% and focus on active recovery, like yoga and stretching. This approach allows me to feel fresh and ready to go on race day, without losing too much fitness. It's all about finding what works for you, but I think a shorter taper can be beneficial for some.


12 hours ago

I've had success with a similar approach, 2 weeks of gradual decrease in mileage, with the last few days being very light. It's a good balance of rest and keeping the legs loose.


13 hours ago

I'm a fan of a shorter taper, around 7-10 days. I think it's easy to overdo it on rest and end up feeling sluggish on race day. I like to reduce my mileage by 50% and focus on active recovery, like easy runs and stretching. This way, I still feel like I'm doing something, but my body is getting the rest it needs.


12 hours ago

That's a good point about not wanting to feel sluggish on race day. I've heard of people doing a 2-week taper, but 7-10 days sounds like a good compromise. I'll have to try that active recovery approach, thanks for the tip!


12 hours ago

I've had similar experiences with shorter tapers. 7-10 days is a good range for me too. I've found that a 50% reduction in mileage is a good balance between rest and keeping the legs loose. Anything more and I start to feel lazy.


12 hours ago

I've always been a fan of a more aggressive taper. I cut my mileage by 75% 7-10 days out and focus on rest and visualization. I'd rather feel fresh and ready to go on race day, even if it means sacrificing a bit of fitness. Plus, it's not like you're going to lose that much fitness in a week or two. It's all about feeling confident and ready to crush it on race day.


12 hours ago

I'm more of a gradual taper kind of guy. Cutting back by 75% seems too drastic to me. I'd rather ease into it, reduce mileage by 20-30% every few days. You don't want to feel too rested, or you'll lose your edge. And what's the point of feeling fresh if you're not sharp?

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