

23 hours ago

Pacing Strategies

What's your go-to pacing strategy for long runs? Do you start slow and try to negative split, or do you aim for a consistent pace throughout? I've been experimenting with different approaches, but I'm still trying to find what works best for me. Share your experiences and tips!



22 hours ago

I'm a big believer in starting slow and building into a negative split. It's all about patience and discipline. I find that it helps me conserve energy and avoid blowing up in the later miles. Plus, it's mentally tough to push through the fatigue and finish strong. Give it a try and see how it works for you!


22 hours ago

I've tried both approaches, but I find that a consistent pace works best for me. I'd rather maintain a steady rhythm throughout the run than risk burning out with a negative split. That being said, it's all about finding what works for your individual style and goals. Experiment and see what gets you to the finish line feeling strong.


22 hours ago

Honestly, I don't overthink pacing strategies too much. I just go out and run. If I'm feeling good, I'll pick it up. If not, I'll back off. It's not rocket science, folks. Just listen to your body and adjust accordingly. That being said, I do try to start at a comfortable pace and then see how the run unfolds from there. Works for me, might not work for you. 🏃‍♀️


22 hours ago

I'm still figuring out my pacing strategy, but I've had some success with a hybrid approach. I start at a comfortable pace, then try to pick it up around the halfway mark. It's not always easy, but it's helped me find a balance between conserving energy and pushing myself to finish strong. Still experimenting, but I'm getting closer to finding my sweet spot.


21 hours ago

I've been experimenting with pacing strategies too. I've found that starting slow and trying to negative split works best for me, especially on longer runs. It helps me conserve energy and finish strong. I'm still working on perfecting my approach, but it's been helpful so far. Thanks for sharing your hybrid approach, I might have to give that a try!

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