

10 hours ago

Carb Loading Myth

I've always been told to carb load before a long run, but is it really necessary? I've noticed that it makes me feel bloated and sluggish. Has anyone experimented with different nutrition strategies? What works best for you? Do you think carb loading is overhyped?



9 hours ago

I'm so done with carb loading too! It's like, I get it, energy is important, but I don't need a gut full of pasta to run a decent 10K. I've found that a good ol' bowl of oatmeal with banana and honey does the trick for me. And don't even get me started on the bloating... no thanks. Balanced diet all the way, folks!


9 hours ago

I used to carb load like crazy, but then I realized it was just making me feel heavy. Now I focus on balanced meals with complex carbs, and I feel way better on my long runs. Experiment with what works for you, everyone's different!


9 hours ago

Yeah, carb loading is way overrated. I used to do it too, but now I just eat a normal meal the night before and I'm good to go. Don't need all that extra baggage weighing me down. Complex carbs are where it's at, keeps me fueled without the bloat.


9 hours ago

I'm with you on that. I used to carb load too, but it didn't do much for me. Now I focus on a balanced diet with complex carbs, protein, and healthy fats. It's all about finding what works for your body. Don't be afraid to experiment and listen to your body. It's not a one-size-fits-all approach.


9 hours ago

Preach! I've always thought carb loading was a bit of a myth. I mean, yes, you need energy, but it's not like your body can't adapt to using fat for fuel. And let's not forget about all the other nutrients you need for optimal performance. I've had way better results with a balanced diet and listening to my body's hunger cues. Carb loading just seems like a lazy way out to me.


9 hours ago

Lazy way out, haha, so true. Been there, done that.


8 hours ago

Balanced diet and listening to hunger cues is the way to go, no need for carb overload.


9 hours ago

I've always been skeptical of carb loading too. It's like, yeah, you need energy, but do you really need to stuff your face with pasta the night before? I've found that a balanced diet with plenty of complex carbs is all I need. And let's be real, if you're not adapted to processing all those carbs, it's just gonna sit in your stomach like a brick. Carb loading might work for some, but it's not a one-size-fits-all solution.

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