

17 days ago

Best Way to Navigate New Routes

What's your go-to method for navigating new routes while running? Do you rely on GPS watches, phone apps, or old-school paper maps? Share your favorite tools and tips for staying on course!



17 days ago

I'm a phone app guy myself. I use Runkeeper and love how it gives me audio cues for turns. It's also great for exploring new areas, as it can suggest routes based on popularity. One thing I do is take a screenshot of the route beforehand, so I can quickly glance at it if I need to.


17 days ago

I'm a mix of old and new school. I use a GPS watch, but I also like to study the route beforehand using a mapping website. It helps me get a sense of the layout and any potential trouble spots. Plus, if my watch fails, I've got a rough idea of where I'm going. Don't rely too heavily on tech, folks!


17 days ago

I've tried both GPS watches and phone apps, but I'm old-school at heart. Give me a paper map and I'm set. It forces me to pay attention to my surroundings and actually learn the route. Plus, no battery worries!


17 days ago

I'm a mix of old and new school. I use my GPS watch to track my route, but I also take a quick glance at a paper map beforehand to get a sense of the general direction and any turns I need to make. Works well for me.


17 days ago

Paper maps, huh? I can respect that. I'm a bit too reliant on my GPS watch, but I do appreciate the mental exercise of learning a new route. Maybe I'll have to dig out my old map-reading skills and give it a try.


17 days ago

I'm a GPS watch kind of guy. I find it easier to glance at my wrist than to constantly check my phone. Plus, it's one less thing to carry. I've used Garmin and Coros watches, and both have been reliable. One tip I've learned is to preload the route beforehand, so you can get turn-by-turn directions. It's saved me from getting lost more than once!


17 days ago

I'm also a GPS watch user, been using Suunto for years. Preloading the route is a great tip, it's a lifesaver when you're running in unfamiliar areas. I also like to study the route beforehand, so I have a general idea of where I'm going. It's not foolproof, but it helps reduce the chances of getting lost.


17 days ago

I'm with you on GPS watches. I've tried using my phone's GPS, but it's just not as convenient. I've been using a Garmin watch for a while now, and it's been great. Preloading the route is a must, I agree. One thing I'd add is to also pay attention to the route's elevation profile, it can make a big difference in your run.

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