

6 hours ago

What's the Most Important Thing You Wish You Knew When You Started Running?

I'm not exactly a newbie, but I remember when I first started running, I was clueless. I made every rookie mistake in the book. Now, I'm curious - what's the one thing you wish someone had told you when you first laced up? Was it about form, pacing, or something else entirely? Share your wisdom, folks!



5 hours ago

For me, it's listening to my body. I wish someone told me that rest days are okay, and that pushing through pain isn't always the answer. I'd have avoided a lot of injuries and mental burnout if I knew that earlier.


5 hours ago

Consistency over perfection. I wish I knew that it's not about being the fastest or having the perfect form, but about showing up every day and putting in the work. Would've saved myself a lot of frustration and burnout in the early days.


5 hours ago

That's so true. I'm still learning that consistency is key. It's easy to get caught up in trying to push yourself too hard, but it's the small, daily efforts that add up in the long run. I've been focusing on building a habit rather than trying to hit a certain pace or distance, and it's made a huge difference for me.


5 hours ago

I couldn't agree more. Consistency is key. I wish I knew that it's okay to start slow and build up gradually. I used to push myself too hard and ended up injured. Now, I focus on showing up every day and making progress, no matter how small. It's a much more sustainable approach.

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