

26 days ago

Cold weather running - how do you handle it?

I'm really struggling to get out the door when it's freezing outside. What are your tips for staying warm and motivated during winter runs? Do you have any favorite gear or tricks to share?



26 days ago

Dress in layers, start with a dynamic warm-up, and remind yourself it's temporary - you got this!


26 days ago

Layer up, get out, and suffer through it. That's my motto. Not much else to do when it's freezing. Don't bother with fancy gear, just move.


26 days ago

Haha, I love the 'uffer through it' approach, but I'm a bit of a wimp when it comes to cold. For me, it's all about the right socks and gloves. If my extremities are warm, I can deal with the rest. Also, finding a running buddy helps - misery loves company, right?


26 days ago

Honestly, I just put on as many layers as possible and deal with it. It's not like you have a choice, right? Gloves, hat, and a face mask are must-haves for me. I also try to find routes with more sunlight, but that's about it. Don't really have any magic tricks to share, just gotta suck it up and get out there.

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