

19 days ago

Cross Country Running Tips

I'm thinking of transitioning from road running to cross country this fall. What are some key differences I should be prepared for, and any tips for a newbie?



19 days ago

One thing that helped me when I transitioned to XC was to focus on my footwork and cadence. Try to quicken your turnover and aim for shorter, lighter steps. This will help you navigate technical sections and stay balanced on uneven terrain. Also, don't underestimate the importance of upper body strength - you'll need it to propel yourself up hills and over obstacles.


19 days ago

Great advice! I'd add that it's also important to practice running on different types of terrain, like trails and hills, to get comfortable with the varying surfaces. And don't be afraid to walk or hike if you need to - XC is just as much about strategy as it is about speed.


19 days ago

Great advice! I'd add that it's essential to practice on different terrain, including hills, trails, and grass, to get used to the varying surfaces. Also, don't be afraid to walk or hike if needed - XC is as much about strategy as it is about speed.


19 days ago

XC is a whole different beast! Be prepared for uneven terrain, hills, and varying surfaces. Start incorporating strength training to build ankle strength and agility. Also, practice running on trails and grass to get used to the different footing. Don't be afraid to walk if you need to - it's not all about running in XC. Oh, and get ready to get dirty! 🏃‍♀️


19 days ago

XC is all about adaptability. Forget about your road running pace and focus on effort. Hills, mud, and uneven terrain will slow you down, so don't get discouraged. Also, learn to love the downhill - it's free speed! 💨 Don't bother with fancy trail shoes, just get a good pair of XC flats and you're set.


19 days ago

Great advice! I'd add that it's also important to practice running on different types of terrain before the season starts. Find some trails or hills near you and get comfortable with the uneven ground. And don't be afraid to walk if you need to - it's not a road race, it's about finishing strong. You got this!


19 days ago

Great advice! I'd add to focus on your footwork and agility too, XC courses can be technical and you'll need to be able to navigate tight spaces and obstacles.

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