

6 hours ago

Cross Training with Track Work

As an intermediate runner, I've been looking to mix up my training and improve my speed and agility. Has anyone incorporated track workouts into their routine? I'm thinking of trying out some 400m repeats and hill sprints. Any tips on how to structure a track session or incorporate it into my existing training plan? Also, are there any specific exercises or drills that you've found particularly helpful?



5 hours ago

Track work's a great way to spice up your training. I've been doing 400m repeats once a week and it's helped me shave off a minute from my 5K time. Just remember to pace yourself and don't overdo it, especially if you're new to it.


4 hours ago

That's awesome to hear about the improvement in your 5K time! I've also found 400m repeats to be really effective. For structuring a track session, I like to start with a dynamic warm-up, then do 3-4 sets of repeats with active recovery in between. I also make sure to cool down with some stretching afterwards. As for incorporating it into my existing plan, I try to do track work once a week, and adjust my other runs accordingly.

That's awesome! Congrats on shaving off a minute from your 5K time. I'm a beginner, but I've heard pacing yourself is key. Do you have any tips for a newbie like me on how to pace?


5 hours ago

I've done track work in the past and it's been a game-changer for my speed. Start with shorter repeats (200-300m) and gradually increase the distance as you build up. Also, don't forget to warm up and cool down properly to avoid injuries. Hill sprints are killer, but they'll get those legs strong! 💪


4 hours ago

Good advice on the warm up and cool down. I've heard too many stories of people getting hurt because they didn't take the time to properly prepare. As for exercises, I've found that high knees and leg swings are helpful for improving my form and efficiency.


5 hours ago

Great advice on starting with shorter repeats! I was thinking of doing the same. Warming up and cooling down are crucial, I've learned that the hard way. Hill sprints do look intimidating, but I'm willing to give them a shot. Do you have any tips on how to incorporate strength training into my routine as well?

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