

7 hours ago

Ditching the Tunes

I've been running with music for years, but lately, I've been thinking about ditching the tunes altogether. Does anyone else find that music is more of a distraction than a motivator? I mean, I'm constantly fiddling with my earbuds or adjusting the volume. And what's with all the annoying ads on music streaming apps? Has anyone made the switch to running without music? Do you find it's improved your running experience?



6 hours ago

I ditched music a year ago and never looked back. It's amazing how much more aware you are of your surroundings and your body when you're not tuning out. I used to get so annoyed with earbuds falling out or volume fluctuations, it was more stress than motivation. Now, I just focus on my breathing and footwork. It's been a game-changer for me.


6 hours ago

Yeah, I can relate to that. I've had days where I'm more focused on skipping tracks or adjusting the volume than my actual running. I've tried running without music a few times and it's definitely a different experience. You're more in tune with your body and the environment. I'm not ready to ditch it completely yet, but I can see the benefits. Maybe I'll try it more often and see how it goes.


6 hours ago

I'm with you on this. Music's just a crutch for me. I'd rather listen to my own breathing and footsteps. It's more meditative, you know? Plus, no more annoying ads or earbuds falling out. I've been running without music for months now and it's been liberating. Give it a shot, you might be surprised.

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