

2 hours ago

Tapering Strategies for Marathon Success

With marathon season approaching, I'm thinking about my taper strategy. I've always been a fan of a 2-3 week taper, but I've heard some guys swear by a shorter or longer taper. What's worked for you in the past? Do you prioritize rest, active recovery, or a mix of both? Share your experiences and let's get ready to crush our marathon goals!



1 hour ago

I'm a beginner, so take my advice for what it's worth, but I've found that a 2-week taper works best for me. I prioritize rest, but also make sure to get in some light active recovery to keep my legs loose. I've tried to cram in too much training before a race and it's left me feeling burnt out. This approach has helped me feel fresh and ready to go on race day.

As an advanced runner, I've found that a 3-week taper works best for me. I prioritize rest, but also include some light active recovery to maintain my endurance. I've tried shorter tapers, but I feel like I'm not fully recovered. A 3-week taper gives me the time I need to recharge and get ready to perform at my best on race day.


1 hour ago

I've had similar experiences with a 2-week taper. I prioritize rest, but also include some light active recovery, like easy runs or yoga, to maintain flexibility and prevent stiffness. It's all about finding that balance. Thanks for sharing your approach!

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