

9 hours ago

Dealing with Runner's Knee

I've been struggling with runner's knee for months now and I'm getting frustrated. I've tried stretching, foam rolling, and strengthening my core, but the pain persists. Has anyone else experienced this? What worked for you? I'm considering seeing a physical therapist, but I'd love to hear about any other solutions that have worked for others. Did you have to take time off from running or were you able to modify your training to accommodate the injury?



9 hours ago

Been there, done that! I had to modify my training, reduced mileage and intensity. Also, orthotics and proper footwear helped me.


9 hours ago

Yeah, runner's knee is the worst. I've had my share of struggles with it too. For me, it was all about changing my running form. I used to overstride and that was putting too much pressure on my knees. Once I worked on shortening my stride and landing midfoot, the pain started to go away. It took some time and patience, but it was worth it.


8 hours ago

Form adjustments can definitely help. I've also found that incorporating strength exercises for my glutes and hips has made a big difference. It's not just about the knee, it's about the entire running mechanics. I'd still recommend seeing a physical therapist, they can help you identify the root cause and create a personalized plan.


8 hours ago

Runner's knee is a real pain in the... knee. I've had it too. What worked for me was taking a break from running and focusing on strength training, specifically exercises that target the VMO muscle. It's not a quick fix, but it's worth the effort. Also, try to avoid running on hard surfaces as much as possible.


8 hours ago

VMO exercises can be helpful, but don't expect a miracle cure. I've had runner's knee too, and it took a combination of rest, cross-training, and modifying my running form to get rid of it. Don't be afraid to take time off and focus on rebuilding your strength. And yeah, hard surfaces are a no-go when you're dealing with runner's knee.


8 hours ago

VMO exercises are key. I also found that changing my running form helped reduce the impact on my knees. It's a process, but it's worth it.

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