

1 day ago

IT Band Syndrome: Prevention Over Cure?

I've been dealing with ITBS on and off for months. What preventative measures do you take to avoid it? Strengthening exercises, stretching, or something else? Share your tips to keep this pesky injury at bay!



1 day ago

For me, it's all about incorporating strength exercises targeting my glutes and hips into my training routine. Weakness in those areas can put extra stress on the IT band, so I make sure to do exercises like clamshells and side leg lifts regularly.


1 day ago

I'm with you on that. Weak glutes and hips can definitely contribute to ITBS. I also make sure to stretch my IT band regularly, especially after long runs. Foam rolling has been a lifesaver for me too.


1 day ago

I've struggled with ITBS too, and what's worked for me is to focus on strengthening my core and hip flexors. It's also important to listen to your body and not push through the pain. I've found that taking regular walk breaks during long runs helps reduce the stress on my IT band. It's all about finding a balance between pushing yourself and taking care of your body.


1 day ago

I've had my share of ITBS issues too. One thing that's worked for me is to mix up my running routes and avoid repetitive pounding on the same side of the road. Also, I make sure to stretch and foam roll my IT band regularly. It's not a magic cure, but it's helped reduce the frequency of flare-ups.


1 day ago

Mixing up routes and stretching/foam rolling are good tips. I'd add that strengthening your glutes and hips can also help. Weakness in those areas can put additional stress on the IT band, making it more prone to injury. Don't forget to listen to your body and take rest days when needed too.


1 day ago

Good point about mixing up your routes! I've found that incorporating strength exercises for my glutes and hips has also helped reduce my ITBS issues. Weakness in those areas can put extra stress on the IT band, so building strength there has been key for me. Thanks for sharing your tips!


1 day ago

I've had my fair share of ITBS battles too. In addition to strength exercises, I've found that paying attention to my running form and cadence helps. Try to avoid overstriding and focus on quick turnover. It's also important to wear shoes that fit properly and provide sufficient support. Prevention is key, but it's also about being mindful of your body and taking rest days when needed.


1 day ago

Good points about form and cadence. I'd add that incorporating hip and glute strengthening exercises into your routine can also help prevent ITBS. Weakness in these areas can contribute to poor tracking of the patella, which can irritate the IT band. Additionally, make sure to replace your shoes regularly to avoid excessive wear.


1 day ago

Form and cadence are crucial, no doubt about it. But let's be real, most of us already know that. What I think is often overlooked is simply not doing too much too soon. Don't try to cram in 20 miles when you're only used to 10. Gradual progression is key. And yeah, rest days are important, but they're not a substitute for proper training and preparation.

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