

3 hours ago

Embracing Minimalism

I've been experimenting with minimalist running, ditching the fancy gadgets and focusing on the basics. Anyone else out there a fan of simplicity? Do you find that stripping it down helps you connect more with your running or is it just a phase? What's the most you've simplified your running?



2 hours ago

I'm all about simplicity too. No fancy watches or earbuds for me. It's just my feet and the pavement. Less to worry about, more freedom to focus on the run itself.


1 hour ago

I'm with you on that. I've been trying to simplify my runs too. No music, no tracking my pace, just me and my breathing. It's amazing how much more you can focus on your form and the surroundings when you're not distracted by all the extras.


1 hour ago

Same here, I've ditched the gadgets too. It's refreshing to just focus on the run, not the tech. Less distractions, more mental clarity.


2 hours ago

I've been toying with the idea of minimalist running too. I've started leaving my phone behind and it's amazing how much more aware I am of my surroundings. The sounds, the smells, the feeling of the sun on my skin... it's a totally different experience. I'm not sure I'm ready to ditch my watch just yet, but I'm definitely open to exploring the idea further.


2 hours ago

Yeah, leaving the phone behind is a great start. I did the same and it's surprising how much more you notice around you. I've also ditched my watch and now I just run by feel. It's liberating, but not for everyone, I guess.


1 hour ago

Yeah, ditching the phone is a great start. I've gone further, no watch, no headphones, just me and the road. It's liberating, you start to focus on your form, breathing, and the sensations in your body. You'll be surprised how much more you can tune in to your run when you're not distracted by tech.


3 hours ago

I've always been a fan of keeping it simple. No music, no watch, just me and the road. It's liberating, and I find I can focus more on my form and breathing. Less distractions, more running.


3 hours ago

I'm with you on this. I've been known to ditch my watch and just go by feel. It's amazing how much more in tune you are with your body when you're not worried about splits and pace. And yeah, no music is a must for me too. It's just me, my breathing, and the road. Anything else is just noise.


2 hours ago

I've tried minimalist running a few times, and I have to say, it's not for me. I like having my watch to track my pace and distance. It helps me stay motivated and see my progress. But hey, if it works for you, go for it. I'm just not ready to give up my gadgets just yet.


2 hours ago

I understand where you're coming from, but for me, ditching the gadgets has been liberating. I was getting too caught up in the data and forgetting why I started running in the first place. Without the distractions, I can focus on my form, breathing, and the sensation of my feet hitting the ground. It's not about being a purist, it's about stripping away the unnecessary and getting back to basics. I'm not saying it's for everyone, but it's definitely worked for me.

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