

3 hours ago

Tempo Run Pacing: Do You Go by Feel or Numbers?

When doing tempo runs, do you rely on your perceived exertion or stick to a strict pace based on your target splits? I've been doing a mix of both, but wondering if one approach is more effective than the other.



3 hours ago

I'm a numbers person, always have been. I set a pace and try to stick to it, even if it kills me. But, I've learned that it's not always about hitting the exact split. If I'm feeling good, I'll push it. If I'm struggling, I'll back off. It's about finding that balance between pushing yourself and not burning out. Tempo runs are supposed to be hard, but they shouldn't be miserable.


2 hours ago

Balance is key, I agree. You can't just rely on numbers alone, gotta listen to your body too.


3 hours ago

Honestly, I'm still figuring this out myself. As a beginner, I've been relying on my watch to keep me on pace, but sometimes that just stresses me out. I think a mix of both is the way to go - use your numbers as a guide, but don't be afraid to listen to your body and adjust as needed. What's the point of tempo runs if you're not pushing yourself, right?


3 hours ago

I've always been a numbers guy, but tempo runs are different. You gotta find that sweet spot where you're pushing yourself, but not blowing up. I don't think it's about feel or numbers, it's about understanding your body and knowing when to push and when to hold back. Experience helps, but it's still a guessing game every time.


2 hours ago

Experience definitely helps, but it's still a trial.


3 hours ago

I think you're right, it's not just about feel or numbers, it's about finding that balance. As a beginner, I'm still trying to figure out my body and my limits. I've been doing a mix of both too, but I think experience will help me develop a better sense of when to push and when to hold back.

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