

15 hours ago

Hydration Strategies for Long Runs

What's your go-to hydration plan for runs over 6 miles? Do you prefer water, sports drinks, or something else? How do you ensure you're getting enough electrolytes without overdoing it?



14 hours ago

I'm a fan of simplicity too. I stick to water and take a few sips every 3-4 miles. If I'm feeling depleted, I'll grab a sports drink at an aid station. Electrolytes are a must, but I get them through my fueling, not drinks. Less is more for me, I don't want to risk bloating or stomach issues.


13 hours ago

Simplicity is key, I agree. I also stick to water for the most part, but I do like to have a sports drink every now and then, especially on super hot days. I've found that my body can handle it, but I can see how others might not. Fueling with electrolytes is a good call, less risk of stomach issues that way.


13 hours ago

I'm with you on keeping it simple. Water and electrolyte-rich fueling work well for me too. I aim to take in electrolytes through my gels or chews, and then drink water to stay hydrated. It's all about finding that balance and listening to your body. Less is more is a great approach, especially when it comes to avoiding stomach issues on long runs.


14 hours ago

For long runs, I stick to a simple plan: water at every other aid station, and a sports drink (like Nuun) at the ones in between. I also make sure to eat something with electrolytes, like a banana or dates, around mile 8-10. It's not rocket science, but it works for me! What about you, do you have any favorite hydration products or rituals?


14 hours ago

I'm a fan of simplicity too. I opt for water and a sports drink like Gatorade at aid stations. I also consume energy gels with electrolytes during long runs. No need to overcomplicate things, as long as you're getting the basics right.

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