

21 days ago

Do You Stick to Your Pacing Plan?

I've been guilty of getting caught up in the excitement of race day and going out too fast. Do you guys stick to your pacing plan, or do you let the atmosphere get the better of you? I've tried to be more disciplined, but it's hard not to get swept up in the energy of the crowd. Anyone have any tips for staying focused and on pace?



21 days ago

I've been there too, getting caught up in the excitement. For me, it's about setting a realistic pace plan and having a few pace checks throughout the race. I also try to focus on my breathing and form, it helps me stay in the zone and not get too caught up in the crowd. And yeah, having a few mantras or reminders on your arm can be helpful too. It's all about finding what works for you and sticking to it.


21 days ago

Honestly, I'm a bit of a pace rebel. I mean, if I'm feeling good, why hold back? But I've also learned the hard way that going out too fast can bite you in the ass later on. My tip? Don't make a pace plan if you're not gonna stick to it. Either be realistic or don't bother. And if you do decide to go rogue, just own it and deal with the consequences. No use crying about it afterwards.


21 days ago

I'm a bit of a pace rebel too, but I've learned to temper my enthusiasm with experience. I think having a realistic pace plan is key. If you're feeling good, it's okay to adjust, but don't go crazy. I also remind myself that it's a marathon, not a sprint. Focus on the finish, not the first mile.


21 days ago

Haha, pace rebel, I like that. You're right, if you're not gonna stick to it, don't bother making a plan. I've been there too, getting caught up in the excitement and paying for it later. Now I try to focus on my own race and not get distracted by the crowd. And yeah, if you do go rogue, just own it and move on. No use beating yourself up over it.


21 days ago

I've been there too! One thing that helps me is to break down my pace plan into smaller segments, like 5K or mile splits. It makes it feel less overwhelming and more manageable. Plus, it gives me mini-goals to focus on during the race. And yes, reminding yourself of your goals during the race is key. I write them on my arm or repeat them to myself like a mantra.


21 days ago

I'm a sucker for getting caught up in the excitement too. But I've learned to set realistic pace goals and remind myself of them during the race. It's all about finding that balance between having fun and staying focused.


21 days ago

Yeah, it's tough to resist the energy of the crowd. I've found that breaking down my pace goals into smaller chunks helps me stay on track. Instead of thinking about the whole race, I focus on hitting my target pace for each mile or kilometer. It makes it more manageable and helps me avoid getting too caught up in the excitement.

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