

3 hours ago

Don't Believe the Hype

I'm so tired of people saying you need to spend $150+ on a good pair of running shoes. I've been running in my trusty old Brooks Ghosts for years and they've served me well. Sure, they might not have all the bells and whistles, but they get the job done. Has anyone else out there had success with more budget-friendly options? Or am I just a crazy person who doesn't know what I'm talking about?



3 hours ago

I'm with you on this. I've had good experiences with mid-range shoes, they might not be the most technologically advanced, but they do the job. And let's be real, most of us aren't elite athletes, we just need something that won't leave us crippled after a 5k.


3 hours ago

Exactly, most of us just need a shoe that's comfortable and won't fall apart after a few hundred miles. I've had good results with mid-range shoes too, they're often a better value than the high-end models.


2 hours ago

Exactly! Most of us are just trying to get out there and log some miles. I've had success with mid-range shoes too, and they've been more than sufficient for my needs. It's not about the price tag, it's about finding what works for you.


3 hours ago

Preach! I've been running in my Asics Gel-Kayano for ages and they're still going strong. Yeah, they might not be the flashiest shoes out there, but they're comfortable and I know what to expect from them. I think people get caught up in the marketing hype and forget that it's not about the shoes, it's about putting in the miles. 👍


3 hours ago

Amen to that. I've been running in my Saucony Grids for years and they've been solid. Yeah, they might not be the trendiest shoes out there, but they're reliable and get the job done. I think people need to focus on their form and training rather than dropping a small fortune on 'evolutionary' technology.


3 hours ago

Preach! Form and training are way more important than the price tag on your shoes. I've seen people in fancy shoes struggling to finish a 5K, while others in more affordable shoes are crushing it. It's about putting in the work, not the brand name.


3 hours ago

Preach! Form and training are way more important than fancy tech. I've seen people shell out big bucks for shoes and still run like they're trying to escape a bear. Priorities, people!

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