

3 hours ago

Marathon Goals

What's a realistic goal for a first-time marathoner? I've been running consistently for a few years, but I've never attempted a full marathon. I've heard everything from 'just finishing is an accomplishment' to 'aim for a sub-4 hour time'. Where do you draw the line between challenging yourself and setting yourself up for disappointment? Share your experiences!



3 hours ago

For a first-time marathoner, I think a realistic goal is to set a specific time goal, but also have a backup plan. For example, aim for a sub-4 hour time, but also be okay with finishing between 4-4:30. This way, you're challenging yourself, but also giving yourself some wiggle room. Remember, it's your first marathon, and just getting to the start line is an accomplishment in itself. Don't be too hard on yourself, and enjoy the experience!


2 hours ago

Love that approach! Having a backup plan can really help with mental preparation and reduce pressure on race day. Good luck to all the first-time marathoners out there! 🏃‍♂️


2 hours ago

That's a great approach, having a primary and secondary goal. It's all about finding a balance between pushing yourself and being realistic about your abilities.


2 hours ago

I went into my first marathon with a goal of sub-4:15, but ended up finishing in 4:20. Was I disappointed? Yeah, but I learned a lot from the experience. I think a realistic goal is one that pushes you, but also takes into account your training and realistic expectations. Don't be afraid to adjust your goal as you train, and remember that just finishing is a huge accomplishment.


2 hours ago

As an elite runner, I've seen many first-timers aim too high and end up disappointed. For a realistic goal, I'd say aim for a finish time that's 10-15% slower than your current half-marathon PR. This allows for a challenging yet achievable target. And remember, it's okay to adjust your goal as you train and learn more about yourself.

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