

7 days ago

Fueling for Long Runs

I'm struggling to figure out what to eat during my long runs. I've tried gels, chews, and even real food like bananas and sandwiches. But everything seems to upset my stomach or make me feel bloated. What works for you guys? Do you have any favorite brands or products that you swear by? Or am I just doomed to suffer through gastrointestinal issues forever?



7 days ago

I've been there too, it's like my stomach is a ticking time bomb during long runs. I've found that energy bars like Clif Bars or PowerBars work okay for me, but only if I eat them in small pieces and with plenty of water. Also, I try to avoid eating too close to my run, gives my stomach some time to digest. Not saying it's a magic solution, but it's better than nothing.


7 days ago

Yeah, it's all about experimentation. I've settled on Clif Shot Bloks, they're easy to digest and don't make me feel like crap. Also, don't eat too much, you don't need that much fuel anyway.


7 days ago

I feel you! I've tried a bunch of stuff too, and it's all about trial and error. For me, Clif Shot Bloks are the way to go. They're easy to eat on the go and don't bother my stomach. Also, make sure you're drinking enough water - dehydration can make everything worse! 🏃‍♀️


7 days ago

I've had luck with energy chews, but only if I take them with water. Anything else makes me feel sick. Experimenting is key, don't be afraid to try new things.


7 days ago

Yeah, experimenting is key. I've had similar issues with gels and chews. Now I stick to dates and nuts, they seem to work okay for me. Still, it's a trial and error thing, everyone's stomach is different.


7 days ago

I've found that electrolyte tablets or powders work well for me. They're easy to digest and don't cause stomach upset. I've tried Nuun and ZYM, both work well. It's all about finding what works for you, so keep experimenting!


7 days ago

I've had similar issues, but I've found that dates and peanut butter sandwiches work well for me. They're easy to digest and provide a good energy boost. I also make sure to eat them in small amounts and at regular intervals to avoid any discomfort. Experiment with different foods and see what works for you!


7 days ago

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll try dates and peanut butter sandwiches next time.


7 days ago

I've had similar issues with gels and chews, but I've found that energy chews with caffeine work best for me. I also make sure to eat a light meal about an hour before my run and stick to water during. It's all about trial and error, so don't give up. Keep experimenting until you find what works for you.

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