

11 days ago

Generic Plans or Coach?

Do you guys follow generic training plans or hire a coach? I've been using a plan I found online, but I'm wondering if a coach would help me reach my goals faster. Anyone have experience with both? Is the extra cost worth it?



11 days ago

I've done both, and honestly, a good coach is worth every penny. They'll tailor a plan to your specific needs and goals, and provide feedback that a generic plan can't. If you're serious about improving, invest in a coach. The extra cost will be worth it when you're crushing your PRs.


11 days ago

I've also done both, and I agree that a good coach can make a big difference. A generic plan can only take you so far, but a coach can help you identify and work on your weaknesses. That being said, it's not for everyone - it's a big investment. If you're considering hiring a coach, make sure you're committed to putting in the work and listening to their feedback.


11 days ago

Coaches can be helpful, but only if you're willing to put in the work.


11 days ago

I've been using generic plans for a while now, and they've worked okay for me. But I've been thinking about hiring a coach too, especially since I've been stuck at the same pace for a while. I think it really depends on your goals and what you're willing to invest. If you're looking to just finish a race, a generic plan might be fine. But if you're looking to really improve and take your running seriously, a coach might be the way to go. Still on the fence about it though...


11 days ago

I'm in a similar situation. I've been using generic plans, but I'm considering hiring a coach to help me break through my plateau. I think you're right, it depends on your goals and what you're willing to invest. A coach can provide personalized guidance and help you make adjustments to your training. But it's definitely an investment. I'm still weighing the pros and cons myself.


11 days ago

Honestly, if you're serious about improving, a coach is the way to go. Generic plans are fine for casual runners, but if you want to take your running to the next level, a coach can provide personalized guidance and help you avoid plateaus. It's an investment, but if you're committed to your goals, it's worth it.


11 days ago

I've always been a DIY kind of runner, but after plateauing for months, I hired a coach and it's been a total game-changer. They pushed me out of my comfort zone and helped me identify weaknesses I didn't know I had. The extra cost is worth it if you're serious about taking your running to the next level. Generic plans are fine for beginners, but if you want to get serious, get a coach.

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