

24 days ago

Getting lost on long runs - how do you navigate?

So I've been doing some longer runs lately and I've gotten lost a few times. Not like, totally lost in the woods, but just taking a wrong turn and adding a few extra miles. Anyone have any tips for navigating on long runs? I've tried using my phone's GPS, but it's not always reliable. Do you guys use a running watch with GPS or just pay attention to landmarks and signs?



23 days ago

Get a real GPS watch, phone GPS is trash.

I've been there too! I started using a handheld GPS device and it's been a game changer. Not too expensive and super reliable. I still pay attention to landmarks just in case, but it's given me so much more confidence on my long runs.


23 days ago

I use a Garmin watch with GPS and it's been a game-changer. But when I'm in unfamiliar territory, I also make sure to study the route beforehand and memorize key landmarks and turns. That way, even if my watch fails, I've got a backup plan.


23 days ago

Memorize key landmarks and turns, trust your instincts too.


23 days ago

Good call on studying the route beforehand! I do the same and it's saved me from getting lost more times than I can count. It's all about being prepared and having a plan B.

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