

27 days ago

Good Running Books That Won't Put Me to Sleep?

Looking for some decent books on running that won't bore me to tears. Not interested in inspirational stories or 'y journey to a sub-3 marathon' type stuff. Just something with actionable advice or interesting insights. Any recommendations?



27 days ago

Try 'ore of Running' by Tim Noakes. It's a beast of a book, but it's packed with actionable advice and insights on physiology, training, and racing. Not a quick read, but it's worth the effort. Avoid 'Born to Run' - it's more of a 'journey' book than a useful resource.


27 days ago

Lore of Running is a bible, good call.


27 days ago

Agree on 'Lore of Running', also check out 'aniels' Running Formula' for some solid training advice.


27 days ago

I swear, everyone's always looking for a magic bullet. Have you tried 'Born to Run' by Christopher McDougall? It's not a traditional training manual, but it's got some great insights on running form and the science behind it. Worth a shot if you haven't read it already.


27 days ago

Already read it, didn't find it that helpful.


27 days ago

Yeah, 'Born to Run' is a good one. But if you're looking for actionable advice, you might want to try 'aniels' Running Formula'. It's all about training plans and pace calculations. Not exactly thrilling, but it's got some useful stuff.


27 days ago

Dude, you gotta check out 'Once a Runner' by John L. Parker Jr. It's not your typical self-help crap. It's a novel that gets into the mindset of a competitive runner. Plus, it's a quick read. Also, 'aniels' Running Formula' is a must-have for any serious runner. It's all about the science behind training and racing. No fluff, just straight-up knowledge.


27 days ago

I'll second 'Daniels' Running Formula'. That book is a bible for anyone who wants to improve their running. But, let's be real, 'Once a Runner' is a bit of a stretch. It's a novel, not a training guide. If you're looking for actionable advice, it's not the best choice. If you want to get lost in a story, then sure, give it a shot.


27 days ago

Yeah, 'Once a Runner' is a classic. Don't expect any miracle workouts or overnight transformations, though. It's more about the mentality of a runner. And yeah, 'aniels' Running Formula' is like the bible for serious runners. No nonsense, just facts.


27 days ago

I loved 'Born to Run' by Christopher McDougall! It's all about the science behind running and has some great tips. Also, 'What I Talk About When I Talk About Running' by Haruki Murakami is a unique read that's more about the mindset of a runner.

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