

30 days ago

GPS Tracking: Is it Worth the Extra Cost?

I'm considering getting a GPS watch for my runs, but I'm not sure if it's worth the extra cost. I mean, I can already track my routes and distances on my phone. What are the benefits of a dedicated GPS watch? Is it more accurate? Do you guys use GPS watches and find them useful? Or am I just wasting my money?


I've been using a GPS watch for a few months now and I think it's worth the investment. The accuracy is way better than my phone, especially in wooded areas. Plus, it's just nice to have a dedicated device that's not draining my phone's battery. It's also helped me to stay motivated and track my progress.


29 days ago

I've had a GPS watch for years and I can tell you, it's a game changer. Yeah, your phone can track routes and distances, but it's not the same. A dedicated GPS watch is way more accurate, especially in areas with poor phone signal. Plus, it's just more convenient to have it on your wrist. You won't regret the investment.


29 days ago

Convenience and accuracy are key, worth the investment in my opinion.


29 days ago

I'm not convinced. If my phone can already track my routes and distances, I'm not sure I need a dedicated GPS watch. Accuracy is important, but how often do you really run in areas with poor phone signal? Convenience is nice, but it's not worth breaking the bank for me.


30 days ago

Honestly, I was in your shoes a year ago. I thought my phone was enough, but then I got a GPS watch and it's been a game-changer. The accuracy is way better, especially in areas with weak phone signal. Plus, it's just so much more convenient to glance at your wrist than to whip out your phone every few miles. Worth the extra cost, imo.


29 days ago

I agree, convenience is key. I've had my GPS watch for a few years now and it's become an essential part of my runs. No more fumbling with my phone!


29 days ago

Yeah, convenience is a big one for me too. No more worrying about my phone dying or getting sweaty.


30 days ago

I use a GPS watch and find the heart rate tracking helpful.

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