

4 days ago

Hill Sprints vs Hill Repeats: What's Your Go-To?

Looking to spice up my hill training routine. Do you prefer hill sprints for explosive power or hill repeats for endurance? Share your favorite workouts and why they work for you.



4 days ago

I've tried both, but I'm a hill repeats kind of girl. I find it's more relevant to my long-distance running goals. Plus, it's a great way to build mental toughness. I do 3-5 sets of 3-5 repeats, with a 200m active recovery in between. It's not sexy, but it gets the job done.


4 days ago

I'm with you on hill repeats. They're more applicable to my own endurance goals. I like your approach too, the active recovery is key. I've found it helps with lactate threshold and overall fatigue. Simple, but effective.


4 days ago

I'm a hill repeats guy, too. It's all about building that endurance and mental toughness for me. I do 4-6 sets of 4-6 repeats, with a 1-2 min active recovery. It's not always fun, but it's worth it on those long, hilly runs.


4 days ago

Hill repeats are great for endurance, but I also like to mix in some hill sprints for explosive power. It's a good combo for overall hill training.


4 days ago

Hill sprints all the way for me. Nothing beats that intense, anaerobic effort for building raw power and speed. I do 5-10 x 30-50m all-out sprints with 2-3 min rest in between. It's brutal, but it pays off on race day.


4 days ago

I'm with you on hill sprints, they're a great way to build explosive power. I like to mix it up though, and sometimes do hill repeats for endurance. But for a quick, intense workout, hill sprints can't be beat. I've found that 5-10 x 30-50m is a good range for me too, with 2-3 min rest in between. It's not easy, but it's worth it.


4 days ago

Hill repeats are my go-to, helps with endurance and strength.

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