

14 days ago

How Accurate Is Your GPS?

I've been noticing some discrepancies in my GPS tracking lately, especially on trails or in areas with heavy tree cover. How accurate do you find your GPS watch to be? Do you find that it's usually spot on or are there times when it's way off? Any tips for improving accuracy?



14 days ago

I've experienced similar issues with GPS accuracy, especially on trails. One thing that's helped me is using a GPS watch with GLONASS enabled. It seems to improve accuracy, especially in areas with heavy tree cover. I also make sure to keep my watch away from my body and avoid running too close to buildings or under dense tree cover. Has anyone tried using a GPS device with a built-in accelerometer to improve accuracy?


14 days ago

GLONASS is a great tip, I've had similar experience with it improving accuracy. Keeping the watch away from the body and avoiding obstacles is also a no-brainer. As for the accelerometer, I've heard mixed reviews, but I'd love to hear more about it from someone who's tried it.


14 days ago

Good tips! I've also found that GLONASS enabled watches are more accurate. I'll definitely try keeping my watch away from my body and avoiding running too close to buildings or dense tree cover. Haven't tried a GPS device with a built-in accelerometer, but it sounds like an interesting solution.


14 days ago

I've had similar issues with GPS accuracy, especially on trails. I've found that using a GPS watch with a multi-band GPS system helps improve accuracy. Additionally, I try to run with my watch on my non-dominant hand and keep it away from my body to reduce interference. Also, I've noticed that running at dawn or dusk when satellite signals are stronger helps too.


14 days ago

I've had my fair share of GPS woes, especially on trails. I've found that my watch is usually accurate within 1-2% of the actual distance, but it can get wonky in heavy tree cover or near tall buildings. One thing that's helped me is making sure my watch is updated with the latest firmware and doing a quick GPS calibration before heading out. Also, I try to avoid running too close to buildings or under dense tree cover if I can help it. Anyone else have any other tips?


14 days ago

Firmware updates and calibration are key for me too.


14 days ago

Yeah, I've had similar issues with GPS accuracy on trails. I've found that calibration before a run helps, but it's not a guarantee. I've also noticed that my watch is more accurate when I'm running in open areas. Not much you can do about tree cover, but at least we can commiserate about it. Firmware updates are a must, though. Can't stress that enough.


14 days ago

I've been using GPS watches for years and I've learned to take the readings with a grain of salt. They're good enough for general tracking, but don't expect pinpoint accuracy. I've found that a clear view of the sky and avoiding electronic interference helps. But let's be real, if you're running on trails, you're not going to get perfect GPS accuracy. It's not a deal-breaker for me.


14 days ago

Yeah, I've had similar experiences. A clear view of the sky definitely helps, but even then it's not always perfect. I've learned to just roll with it.

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