

58 days ago

How do you pace yourself on long runs?

I'm having trouble not going out too fast on my long runs. I know I should be aiming for a conversational pace, but I always seem to get caught up in the excitement and end up paying for it later. Any tips on how to rein it in and find a sustainable pace?



58 days ago

I totally get it! It's hard not to get caught up in the excitement of a long run. For me, it's all about setting a realistic goal pace beforehand and breaking it down into smaller chunks. I also try to focus on my breathing and form instead of my watch. Remember, it's not about being a hero on the first mile - it's about finishing strong.


58 days ago

Yeah, focusing on form and breathing helps me too! But let's be real, it's not that easy to just 'not get caught up' in the excitement. Maybe we need to work on our mental game as well?

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