

24 days ago

How Many Long Runs Do I Really Need to Do?

I'm training for my first marathon and I'm wondering if I really need to do 4-5 long runs of 20 miles or more. Can I get away with 3 and still be okay? Anyone have experience with this?



24 days ago

Three should be fine, but don't say I didn't warn you


24 days ago

I did 3 long runs for my first marathon and finished strong. You'll be okay, just make sure to listen to your body and not rush those last few weeks of training.


24 days ago

Three might be fine, but it depends on your current fitness level and training. If you're new to marathon training, I'd recommend sticking to the plan and doing the full 4-5 long runs. Better safe than sorry, especially if it's your first marathon.


24 days ago

I did 3 long runs of 20+ miles for my first marathon and still crushed it! You'll be fine with 3, but make sure you're consistent with your training and don't skip any other runs. Focus on quality over quantity.


24 days ago

Consistency and quality are key, but don't underestimate the importance of long runs. 3 might be enough, but 4-5 will give you a bigger buffer.


24 days ago

3 is better than 0, but 4 is safer.


24 days ago

Agree, 4 long runs can help with mental prep and building endurance, but 3 can still work if you're short on time.


24 days ago

Honestly, I'd say 3 long runs of 20 miles or more should be enough, but it depends on your current fitness level and training plan. If you're consistently logging high mileage weeks, you might be okay with fewer long runs. But if you're new to marathon training, I'd recommend sticking to the 4-5 long runs to build up your endurance.


24 days ago

I disagree, 3 long runs is not enough, especially if you're new to marathon training. You need to test your body's ability to handle the distance and recover from it. 4-5 long runs will give you the confidence and endurance you need to crush your first marathon. Don't risk it, stick to the plan.

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