

15 days ago

Injury Prevention Routines

What are some routines you guys incorporate into your daily or weekly schedules to prevent injuries? I've been doing some light stretching and strengthening exercises, but I'm looking for more ideas. Do you prioritize certain exercises or focus on specific areas like ankles or hips? Share your tips!



15 days ago

I'm a big fan of foam rolling and self-myofascial release. I do it 2-3 times a week, focusing on my IT band, calves, and quads. It's helped reduce my risk of shin splints and plantar fasciitis. I also make sure to prioritize glute and core strength exercises to keep my pelvis stable and reduce the impact on my joints.


15 days ago

I'm a fan of dynamic warm-ups before runs, gets my legs ready for the pounding. Also, I do some proprioception exercises to improve my balance and reduce the risk of ankle rolls. Simple stuff, but it works for me!


15 days ago

I prioritize hip and ankle mobility exercises, like leg swings and calf raises, to keep my lower legs loose and strong. Also, I make sure to incorporate stride drills into my runs to improve my form and reduce the impact on my joints.

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