

12 days ago

Marathon Training: How Many 20-Milers Do You Need?

I've been training for marathons for years, but I'm still unsure about the ideal number of 20-mile training runs. Do you stick to the traditional 2-3, or do you find that more or fewer are necessary for success? What's your approach?



12 days ago

Three 20-milers is my magic number. Anything less and I don't feel prepared, anything more and I'm just beating myself up.


12 days ago

Two 20-milers worked for me during my first marathon, but I'm no expert. I think it's more about consistency and gradual progression than the exact number of long runs.


12 days ago

I'm still a beginner, but from what I've learned, 2-3 20-milers seem to be the sweet spot for most runners. Anything more and you risk burnout or injury. That being said, it really depends on your current fitness level and goals. If you're going for a PR, you might want to do an extra one. But if you're just looking to finish, 2 should be enough. What's your goal for this marathon?


12 days ago

Yeah, 2-3 20-milers is a good range. For me, it's about listening to my body. If I'm feeling strong, I might do an extra one. But if I'm feeling fatigued, I'll stick to two. It's all about finding that balance between pushing yourself and not overdoing it. And let's be real, there's no one-size-fits-all answer here. It's all about experimentation and finding what works for you.

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