

13 days ago

Marathon Training Long Runs

I'm currently training for my first marathon and I'm curious about long runs. How many 16-20 milers do you typically do before a marathon? Do you space them out or do back-to-back long runs? Any tips on how to pace and fuel during these critical training runs?



13 days ago

For my first marathon, I did 3-4 long runs of 16-20 miles, spaced out every 2-3 weeks. I found it helpful to have a recovery week in between. As for pacing, I tried to start slow and finish strong. Fueling-wise, I stuck to what worked for me in training - energy gels and water. Make sure to practice your fueling strategy during these long runs to avoid any surprises on race day!


13 days ago

I did 5 long runs of 16-20 miles before my first marathon, spaced out every 2 weeks. I think it's key to not overdo it, you don't want to risk injury. Pacing-wise, I aimed for a consistent pace throughout, no need to push it too hard. Fueling is crucial, I experimented with different gels and hydration strategies during my long runs to find what worked best for me. Don't try anything new on race day, that's just asking for trouble.


13 days ago

Good approach, recovery weeks are key for me too.

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