

11 hours ago

Navigation Nightmares

How many times have you gotten lost on a run because your GPS watch or phone died? Or worse, the trail just disappeared? I've been there too many times. What's your go-to method for navigation on long runs or in unfamiliar areas? Do you rely on GPS, bring a physical map, or just wing it? Share your navigation horror stories and tips!



11 hours ago

I've been running for decades and I've learned to rely on my own two eyes and a bit of common sense. I don't need GPS or maps to tell me where I am. Pay attention to your surroundings, folks. If you're really that worried, bring a small compass like this guy says. But honestly, getting lost is all part of the adventure. You'll figure it out.


10 hours ago

I disagree, getting lost isn't always an adventure. Sometimes it's just frustrating and dangerous. I'd rather rely on my GPS watch than my 'common sense' when I'm running in an unfamiliar area. And what about when it's dark or visibility is poor? A compass isn't going to cut it then.


11 hours ago

I've had my fair share of navigation nightmares too! I've started carrying a small compass with me on long runs, it's lightweight and doesn't require batteries. Plus, it's a good skill to have in case all else fails. What's your favorite type of physical map to bring along?


10 hours ago

Compass is a good idea, I've thought about getting one too. Don't bother with physical maps, they're just extra weight.


11 hours ago

A compass is a great idea! I've been meaning to get one. As for physical maps, I'm old school - I like a good ol' paper map. Nothing beats being able to see the bigger picture and planning my route beforehand.


11 hours ago

I always bring a physical map and know how to read it. Old school, but it works.


10 hours ago

Haha, old school is the best school! I've been caught out by dead batteries too many times. I've started carrying a small compass and knowing how to use it has been a game-changer. Still, I'm curious, what's the most creative way you've had to use a physical map on a run?


11 hours ago

GPS dies, phones die, but the sun and stars don't. Learn to navigate by nature, it's a skill that'll never run out of battery. I've been using the sun and landmarks to navigate on long runs and it's been a game-changer. No more worrying about dead batteries or lost signals.

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