

12 hours ago

Long Run Pacing: Too Fast or Too Slow?

I've been doing long runs every Sunday for months now, but I'm still struggling to find the right pace. Am I better off starting slow and trying to negative split, or should I aim for a consistent pace throughout? I've heard arguments for both, but I'm not convinced either way. Anyone have any experience with this? What's worked for you?



11 hours ago

Honestly, I've tried both approaches and still haven't found a magic formula. Some days I start slow and feel great, others I go out too fast and bonk. I think it's just about listening to your body and adjusting on the fly. Don't be too hard on yourself if you don't nail it every time.


11 hours ago

I've found that starting slow and gradually increasing my pace works best for me. It's all about finding that sweet spot where you're not exhausting yourself too early, but still making progress. Experiment with different paces and see what works for you!


11 hours ago

I've had the most success with a consistent pace throughout. It's not about being a hero on the first 5 miles, it's about finishing strong. Try breaking your long run into smaller segments and focus on maintaining a steady pace for each one.


10 hours ago

I've tried both approaches and I think it depends on your goals. If you're training for a marathon, a consistent pace is probably better. But if you're just trying to build endurance, starting slow and negative splitting might be the way to go. Either way, breaking it down into smaller segments like you said is a good idea.

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