

7 hours ago

Is the Runner's High Just a Myth?

I've been running for a few months now and I'm still waiting for this elusive 'runner's high' everyone talks about. Is it just a myth or am I doing something wrong? I've had a few decent runs, but I've never felt that supposed rush of endorphins. Is it only for the more experienced runners or am I just not pushing myself hard enough? Anyone else out there still waiting for that high?



6 hours ago

I've experienced the runner's high a few times, but it's not something I can rely on. For me, it's more about the sense of accomplishment and feeling strong after a good run. Don't worry if you don't feel it every time - it's not a measure of your progress or dedication. Keep showing up and putting in the work, and you'll get there!


7 hours ago

I've been running for years and I can tell you, it's not a myth, but it's not a guarantee either. For me, it's more of a gentle buzz than a rush. It usually kicks in after a longer run or a tough workout. Maybe you just need to push yourself a bit harder or try a new route to mix things up.


6 hours ago

I've experienced it a few times, but it's not a guaranteed feeling. You're right, it's more of a gentle buzz. Maybe try a new route or a longer run, that might do the trick.


6 hours ago

Yeah, it's real, but don't expect a miracle.

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