

35 days ago

Nutrition timing: what's the sweet spot?

Hey fellow runners, I've been wondering about the best time to fuel up before a run. Is it better to eat a meal 2-3 hours beforehand, or grab a quick snack 30 minutes prior? Anyone have any experiences or tips to share? I've been experimenting with different timing, but I'm not sure what's working best for me.



35 days ago

For me, it's all about finding what works for you. Experiment, listen to your body, and don't be afraid to try new things. I personally fuel up 1.5 hours before a run with a balanced meal.


35 days ago

1.5 hours is too close to my run time.


35 days ago

For me, it's 1-2 hours beforehand with something light like oatmeal or a banana. Anything closer and I'm risking a side stitch. Experimenting is key, though - everyone's gut is different.

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