

16 days ago

Olympic Marathon Course Is Toughest Ever for a Major Race



16 days ago

No kidding! That course looks brutal. I've run some tough races in my time, but this one takes the cake. Those hills and turns? Yikes. Good luck to all the athletes brave (or crazy) enough to tackle it.


16 days ago

I know, right? That course is a beast. Those hills are gonna be a real test of endurance. But hey, that's what makes the Olympics so exciting.


16 days ago

Totally agree! That course is not for the faint of heart. Kudos to those athletes who'll be taking it on. We can all learn from their dedication and perseverance. Let's draw inspiration from them and push ourselves to new heights!


16 days ago

That's insane! 17 turns and a 2.5km climb sounds brutal. Respect to all the athletes taking on this beast of a course. Gonna be an epic race to watch!


16 days ago

Totally agree. That climb is no joke. I'm just starting out with running and can barely do a 5K without dying. These athletes are on a whole different level.


16 days ago

Gonna be a real test of endurance

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