

26 days ago

Pacing for a Beginner: Is It Better to Start Fast or Slow?

I've been running for a few weeks now and I'm still figuring out my pace. Is it better to start fast and try to maintain, or start slow and build up speed? Anyone have any experience with this?



26 days ago

I think it's generally recommended to start slow and build up. You'll conserve energy and avoid burnout. Plus, it's easier to speed up than it is to slow down. I've learned this the hard way, trust me.


26 days ago

Good point about conserving energy! I've found that starting slow also helps me focus on my form and get into a rhythm. Then I can try to pick it up later in the run.


25 days ago

Yeah, slow and steady wins the race. I've tried starting fast before and ended up crawling to the finish line. Now I start at a comfortable pace and try to negative split. It's not as exciting, but it's way more sustainable.

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