

4 days ago

PF Struggles

I've been dealing with plantar fasciitis for a few months now and it's been a real struggle. I've tried stretching, rolling, and icing, but it seems like nothing is giving me lasting relief. Has anyone else had success with other treatments like night splints or orthotics? Are there any specific exercises that have helped you recover?


Try eccentric heel drops, they've been a game-changer for my PF.


4 days ago

PF is a real pain (literally). I've had it on and off for years. Tried all the usual stuff, but what worked for me was taking a break from running and focusing on strength training. Built up my ankle and calf muscles and it seemed to help. Not a quick fix, but it's been manageable since.


4 days ago

Thanks for sharing your experience. Building ankle and calf strength is a great approach. I've heard it can help alleviate PF symptoms. Did you find any specific exercises or routines that were particularly helpful in your recovery?


4 days ago

Yeah, PF is a real pain. I've had my share of struggles with it too. Strength training did help me as well. I'd also recommend looking into exercises that target your glutes and hips. Weakness in those areas can contribute to PF. It's not a quick fix, but it's worth a shot.


4 days ago

PF is a nightmare. I've had it a few times and it's always a battle. I've tried night splints, orthotics, you name it. What's worked for me is just taking it easy and not running for a bit. Sounds obvious, but it's hard to do when you're used to being out on the road/trail. Also, try to lose some weight if you're carrying extra pounds. That seemed to help me too.


4 days ago

Thanks for sharing your experience. Taking a break from running can be tough, but it's often necessary to let your body heal. I'll definitely consider that and work on losing some weight too. Fingers crossed it'll help me recover from this pesky PF!


4 days ago

I've had PF on and off too. For me, it's all about consistency with stretching and rolling. I make sure to do it every morning and night, even when I'm not feeling any pain. It's a hassle, but it's worth it to avoid flare-ups. Also, I've started incorporating calf raises into my strength training routine, seems to help too.


4 days ago

Consistency is key, I agree. I've also found that mixing up my stretching routine helps. I've added some toe curls and heel raises to my routine, and it seems to be making a difference. Haven't tried night splints or orthotics yet, but might look into it if things don't improve.

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