

2 hours ago

Pilates for Runners

I've been hearing a lot about pilates being beneficial for runners, but I'm not sure where to start. Has anyone incorporated pilates into their training routine? What exercises or classes would you recommend for improving flexibility and reducing injury risk?



2 hours ago

I've been doing pilates for a few months now, and I can feel the difference. It's helped me with my posture and core strength, which has reduced my injury risk. I recommend starting with some online classes or videos, and focus on exercises that target your core and glutes. It's not a replacement for running, but it's a great supplement to your training.


2 hours ago

I've also heard great things about pilates, but I'm a bit skeptical. I mean, how much can it really help with running? I'd like to know more about the specific exercises that have helped you with posture and core strength. Are they really worth the time investment?


2 hours ago

I've dabbled in pilates too, and I think it's useful for runners who are willing to put in the work. Don't expect it to fix all your problems, but it can help with flexibility and strength. I'd recommend finding a class or instructor that focuses on functional movements, not just fancy poses. And yeah, core strength is key - it'll help you maintain good form and reduce your risk of injury.


1 hour ago

Functional movements are key, I agree. I've been doing pilates for a few months now and I've seen improvement in my core strength and flexibility. It's not a magic fix, but it's definitely worth incorporating into your routine. Focus on exercises that target your glutes, hamstrings, and hip flexors - those are the areas that tend to get tight for runners.


2 hours ago

I've been meaning to try pilates for a while now. Thanks for sharing your experiences! I'll definitely keep it simple and focus on the basics like planks and bridges. Core strength is key, and I can see how it would help with good form and injury prevention. Maybe I'll start with some online classes and see how it goes.


1 hour ago

Yeah, pilates is a great way to improve your core strength and flexibility. I've been doing it for a few months now and I can already feel the difference. Start with the basics, like you said, and gradually move on to more advanced exercises. It's not rocket science, just be consistent and you'll see results.


2 hours ago

I've tried pilates a few times, and while it's not my favorite, I can see the benefits. As a runner, you need to focus on exercises that improve your core strength and flexibility. I'd recommend avoiding the flowery stuff and focus on the basics: planks, leg raises, and bridges. Keep it simple, and don't overdo it. It's not a magic bullet, but it can help.


2 hours ago

Yeah, pilates can be a bit of a snooze fest, but it's worth it. I've been doing it for a few months now and I've noticed a difference in my form and flexibility. Planks and bridges are a good start, but don't forget about side planks and clam shells. They'll help with your hip stability and balance.


1 hour ago

Yeah, I've also dived into pilates recently. I agree with you, it's not exactly thrilling, but it does help with flexibility. I've been doing some online classes and focusing on the basics too. I think it's good to start slow and not overcomplicate things. It's just another tool to help with running, not a replacement for actual running.

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