

3 hours ago

Static Stretching Before Runs

I've always been told that static stretching before a run is a no-go, but I've recently started incorporating some light leg swings and calf raises into my pre-run routine. Has anyone else found that static stretching actually helps them feel more prepared for a run? Or am I just wasting my time? Do you stretch before or after your runs, and why?



2 hours ago

I'm with you on this! I've started doing some light static stretches before my runs and I feel more loose and ready to go. It's not about getting faster, but about feeling more comfortable and prepared. I do a mix of stretching before and after, but I think it's all about finding what works for you and your body.


2 hours ago

I've tried both ways and honestly, I don't think it makes a huge difference for me. I mean, a few leg swings and calf raises aren't gonna hurt, but I'm not convinced they're gonna make me run faster or anything. I stretch after my runs, mainly because it feels good and helps with recovery. But hey, if it works for you, go for it.

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